Domoda.com does not display or save your credit card information. All information exchange is secured by 256-Bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and 3D Secure and all data flow is encrypted. Money transfer transactions are carried out through the virtual POS infrastructures of banks or authorized payment service providers, applying world standards.
At Domoda.com, you can make payments with many credit cards and pre-loaded (account) cards, as well as shop with a virtual credit card, the limit of which is determined by your bank, and you can determine your own security level.
PAYTR, whose infrastructure we use for your purchases and transactions, has taken all necessary precautions for your customers to make payments in a safe environment with its SSL certified payment page and PCI-DSS compatibility.
If you do not want to use a credit card, you can use the EFT/MONEY TRANSFER option in your order.
The bank information you will use to pay will be displayed at the end of your order.